recipe summary - Nigella Lawson instant chocolate mouse
150g mini marshmellows
50g soft unsalted butter
250g chocolate buttons
4 tblspn hot water
280ml whisked cream with 1 tspn vanilla
fold COOLED chocolate mixture into the cream
Spinach Pie (based on Pampas packet recipe with slight variations)
fillo pastry
a bunch of spinach, chopped
a finely chopped onion
a handful of mint (fresh from our garden)
a handful of parsley (fresh from our garden)
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
2 eggs
250g ricotta cheese
60g cheese (parmesan and/or grated tasty)
black pepper
olive oil spray
1. Wilt and drain the spinach, add all ingredients except pastry.
2. cut filo in half, spray 10 sheets to make a stack to cover bottom and sides of oven tray
3. spoon in the filling, cover with more sprayed and layered pastry stacks
4. bake in 180c for 40 minutes.
For my future reference, here's an excerpt of how to prepare fillo pastry properly so I have more success next time, from the Pampas website.
Fillo Pastry
- Always consult your recipe. The temperature will be approximately 190◦C conventional oven. The temperature and time for baking will vary depending on the recipe and your oven’s performance. Fillo Pastry is not suitable for microwaves
- For best results, line tray with baking paper, or lightly oil the baking tray
- Allow Pampas frozen Fillo Pastry to completely thaw in the plastic bag, in or out of the box at room temperature for approximately 2 hours
- Alternatively, for best results, allow Fillo to thaw overnight in the refrigerator and one (1) hour at room temperature. Do not apply heat to accelerate thawing. Pastry should not be thawed in a microwave oven
- Carefully remove the number of sheets required for your recipe
- Immediately re-wrap the unused pastry in the film and place in a freezer bag and seal for future use
- Return to the freezer or, alternatively store in the refrigerator. Do not re-freeze Fillo more than once
- While re-wrapping the unused Fillo pastry sheets, wrap in 6-8 sheet lots for convenience when reusing
- Fillo pastry is very thin and delicate and at room temperature can lose some moisture unless it is treated with care. Pampas suggest that during the preparation of your recipes, the Fillo sheets are covered completely with clear plastic food wrap or with a clean damp tea towel
- For a golden appearance on a finished recipe, brush the surface lightly with milk
- Tips or edges of fillo pastry can be sprayed or brushed with a little water before cooking to prevent over-browning
- When using Fillo, it is preferable each sheet be lightly brushed with melted margarine, oil or butter and layered one on top of each other
- It is important for best results that you work quickly when layering Fillo as drying may occur
- For waist watchers, brush every 2nd sheet of Fillo pastry with margarine or polyunsaturated oil. Use 2 teaspoons of polyunsaturated oil, instead of the required amount stated in the recipe
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