Now is also the time to think about goals for the future year. Taking that moment to contemplate things you would like to accomplish and making resolutions to address them, is important. Otherwise, our lives would simply be a string of days strung together. Oh, I already said that? It's worth repeating. If you don't pause to make a goal you can aim to achieve, when you look back you may think you have accomplished nothing. And the feeling of having accomplished nothing is something to avoid. Even if you have very simple, achievable goals, it's worth having them.
My New Years Resolutions
1. Use up all the wool/cloth etc.
2. Get all my poems onto the website.
3. Level all classes in WoW to 80.
4. Organise the house better so it's easier to move by December.
My major goals for 2010
1. Enjoy activities away from the computer, eg. homemaking, gardening, etc
2. Enjoy activities away from World of Warcraft, eg. blogging, Sims3
3. Enjoy a different role within WoW, eg. leveller, raider
4. Of course, the obilgatory "get fit" goal /sigh (I need to loose 7cm from my waist!)
5. And most importantly, enjoy continuing to maintain current relationships :)
I'd like to use up as much wool, cloth, ribbons, buttons, etc, that I already have here before I buy any new materials from the craft store.
I'd like to make practical things that I can use in the home and that I might have otherwise bought if I didn't make it myself.
Before buying something, I'd like to try and ask myself first, could I make this myself?
I'd like to try the glass fusing kit.
I'd like to start work on making gifts to give next Christmas.
I'd like to continue exploring things we can successfully grow in pots here, and how we can use them in the kitchen.
I'd like to try and make a blog entry at least once a day.
I'd like to add a little more at the poetry site at least once a day.
I'd like to only play Sims3 a limited amount, exploring higher levels of free will in characters.
World of Warcraft
Until expansion, I want my contribution to the running of the guild to continue to be limited, to encourage others to do it as much as possible.
After expansion, I might want to start helping run the guild more again, I might not!
I want to level at least my druid to 80, currently 76, before the Chinese New Year Festival in February.
I want to continue raiding end-game, preferrably on my hunter.
Before expansion, I would like to try and level to 80 my warrior (74), rogue (70), death knight (62) and shaman (45).
It might seem like I have a lot of goals for 2010, but I don't think its too much for me because these are also instead of goals I might have achieved in the workplace

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