
Friday, February 5, 2010

The Herbs in Our Garden

One of my greatest simple joys at the moment is our cute little herb garden. Although it was a challenge to get established, it's finally starting to become productive.That might be because our companion plants like basil and lavendar are growing nicely and their smelliness is discouraging pesky pests. Taking care of these herbs is a sure-fire tonic for keeping the blues at bay.

Growing your own herbs is a very simple and satisfying way to save money too. If you love good food, you would know having fresh herbs at hand is always best. Buying a bunch of herbs from the supermarket is wasteful, expensive and just not as good as growing them in a pot at your back door and taking a sprig or two as you need it. The absolute essential herb as far as I'm concerned, which is the first one we were able to successfully grow and harvest, is parsley. It's very healthy, versatile and hardy. But now we have a bunch of other herbs that are turning out to be real joys, for example, having three types of basil and mint on hand is just wonderful!

Here is a quick break down of the herbs currently in our potted garden and what they are good for. Many also have traditional 'magic' properties too, which I think is nice to just keep in mind, even if you don't fully believe in that kind of thing. After cross referencing several websites I found common themes amongst them using various words meaning basically the same thing. So I came up with three practical catergories that are meaningful to me.

aloe vera - skin (burns and rashes), "health"
basil (thai, all-year-round, sweet) - relative to peppermint, antioxidant and antibacterial, add last to hot food, "health & passion"
chamomille - flowers make a relaxing tea, also good for the skin "health & sleep"
chilli - antibacterial, good for nasal congestion, migraine relief, high blood pressure, good in winter, increases metobolism, "passion"
chives (garlic, onion) - like garlic and onions, antibacterial and antioxidant, but milder, fresh is best "health"
coriander - wonderful fresh herb for salads, "health & passion" (weddings)
lavendar - relaxing tea, migraines, insect repellant "health, passion & sleep"
lemon balm (a type of mint) - relaxing tea, stomach aches, pre-menstrual cramps, headaches, overuse can cause insomnia "health & passion"
lemon myrtle (eucalyptus, part of the myrtle family) - a relaxing tea, good for headaches, used in cooking for a mild lemon flavour, antioxidant "health, passion & sleep"
marjoram - food preservative, relaxing tea, good in cooking, upset tummy, headaches, mild antioxidant and antifugal, dried is best, "health & passion" (weddings) "add to food to share with your object of affection to strengthen love"
mint - good with peas, juices, punch, tea, icecream "health & passion"
oregano - antioxidant rich, antibacterial, close relative to marjoram, makes a good tea for nasal congestion, dried is best "health & sleep" (weddings)
parsley - high in iron, good for high blood pressure, tummy upsets and uti, breath freshener, toothache, constipation, detox, salads "health & passion"
peppermint - tea, indigestion, tummy upsets, IBS, cough suppressant, morning sickness, relaxing herbal bath, "health, passion & sleep"
pineapple sage - tea (with lemon balm), anti-anxiety, "health, passion & sleep" (weddings & wisdom)
rosella hibiscus - native bush fruit for making jam "passion"
rosemary - food preservative, cook with lamb, good for upset tummy, relaxing baths, may protect against cancer, use liberally in food, "health & passion" (weddings & memory)


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