
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Love Heart Rag Rug

This is my first completed rag rug and it was hard work so I don't think I'll be making these very often!
love heart rag rug made by crochet strips of material
Using crochet to make a rag rug like this uses a lot of material, so I want this to be the only one that uses material that's not recycled. Really, rag rugs should be made from strips of material salvaged from discarded clothes and sheets. But I had a small collection of cotton material squares that I'd been carrying around for ages, so I decided to put it to good use. It's all the same type of matterial and I think the colours kind of go together. Luckily I have a heap of that blue otherwise this would have turned out a lot smaller.
the material was cut into thin strips with pinking shears
I needed some new mats for the kitchen and knew I could make some from strips of material. After hunting around on the net for ways to turn recycled material into rugs, I found the best one at The Sunroom. My first attempt didn't work out because the biggest hook I had was a size 6, so I went and got myself a size 10, the biggest one they had at the shops, and started again.
rag rug in progress
Using my new pinking shears, I cut strips of ribbon from the material to reduce any fraying. I cut up one square of material at a time to give my hands a break, but my wrists hurt a little from all the hard work! lol. I spent at least two whole days on this, plus several hours here and there spread out over two weeks. I think this is a great way to reuse material that can be cut into long strips, but only if you're time-rich like me. If you don't have the time, I think paying $10-20 for a small rug from the shops might be worth it! 
the love heart rag rug in its place by the back door
But this is a good way for me to make things for my home without spending any money (other than getting a new hook which I'll reuse) and using up things that I might otherwise throw away. From what I've read, this rag rug will flatten out and I can wash it in the machine. This one is about 60cm wide and it's my Valentine's gift this year for the home I share with my true love.

1 comment:

  1. Hi There,

    Firstly I think your 1st rag rug is really fabulous and I love your colours. Creating a heart shape takes quite a bit of skill if your not used to working wth fabric/rags. I'm really delighted that you took a concept and worked it through to completion, well done you :-)
    I fully understand about the cutting up and sore fingers/hands/wrists but I think it's well worth the effort. I think most people are surpised at just how much these rugs 'eat' fabric.
    Well done you and congratulations on a gorgeous rug :-)
