>>> I finished this pink shower puff yesterday. I used the
crochet shower puff pattern from Crochetspot. It was really fun to make, the pretty pink cotton yarn I chose to try was really nice, but it took more than a whole roll. It certainly isn't the cheap option for shower puffs, as you can pick up the plastic ones for a dollar or two, and the yarn cost $3 each. It took a while to do as well, but it was a relaxing exercise. Apparently they last longer than the plastic ones, so I decided I needed to try it out in the shower. It feels like a face washer, and lathers up about as much. I'd rather the exfoliation of the plastic shower puff, so I think I'll pop this one in the guest bathroom because it is quite pretty.

<<< After I picked up David's suit yesterday from the drycleaners, I beaded the wire hanger with some old plastic beads I had stashed away. I don't have any other wire hangers, I threw them all away years ago, but wanted to try this out to see if it works. I got the idea for the
beaded wire hanger from allfreecrafts. With it being summer, I'm wearing more singlets than usual and want to hang them up, but don't have enough of the kind of hangers where the straps won't slip off. I finished this hanger with some red ribbon and a cute little bow.

>>> On Monday, I bought a new dress that might do me as a wedding dress, if we actually get around to organising a wedding sometime in the next 12 months or so, which might not happen. I'm wondering if I'll be able to make myself a little cream coloured bolero to go with it, so I've started practicing and working out a draft pattern that has potental. I'm really liking the gathered petals, which is (tr 4 tog). Part of this sample was inspired by a pattern my mum gave me, and I used some lovely lemon coloured cotton she also gave me. Thanks, mum!
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