
Monday, May 31, 2010

Barbie's Blue Jacket

I made this bolero jacket for a Barbie doll back in January using a beautifully soft blue wool kept from my childhood. It's particularly nice, and although its a very simple design, it required some fiddly fine work. This is  my post for today's Blue Monday which is hosted at Smiling Sally.
blue jacket modelled by Artsy Fashionista Nikki
the jacket in granny square pieces before joining
The purpose of me making this was to practice making a bolero jacket for myself. That is how all this Barbie thing started. I bought the doll purely for the purpose of practising making real clothes. But as I opened the box, the magic started all over again and I have fallen in love with Barbie once more!

the finished granny square jacket for a Barbie doll
I actually managed to keep my two childhood Barbie dolls up until I was in my early 30s, but lost them in a terrible accident that happened while I was moving around after I left my first husband. Before the 'accident', I used to look at them in disdain, wondering why I couldn't bring myself to throw them out, why was I carrying them around with me during such a difficult time? Now I know why, it was because I was in denial, I couldn't admit just how much I loved my Barbie dolls!  They were in excellent condition and I had hung onto them for 25 years. But after the 'accident' they absolutely  had to be discarded and it's a real tragedy!
a blue  glass find at a recycled market
Yesterday when David and I went to the Rocklea market, we saw a couple of  old Barbies from the 1970s and 1980s amongst the second hand treasures, all with very ratty hair so I didn't get any. Instead we grabbed this really pretty blue vase which turns out to be slightly flawed.

I found an excellent blog devoted to collecting Barbie called "Don't Just Play with Barbie, Be Barbie". The inspiration for this blue jacket I found at Barbie Basics.

There seems to be a real Barbie doll enthusiast community, how fun!!

<3 <3 <3

Highlights from this week's party include


  1. The blue vase does look attractive,and it is nice to see how you made the little blue jacket. I hope you find a suitable Barbie soon.
    All the best, Jan

  2. I truly enjoyed reading your story of your Barbie dolls. That is a touching story. You do very nice work on the cloths. I loved the little jacket. Most all of the older dolls are very expensive.

  3. Aw, that's such a cute jacket for Barbie.

  4. Ah yes, Barbie is more popular than ever! I used to make clothes for my daughter's Barbie, but I never made anything like this bolero jacket. How pretty! Happy Blue Monday.

  5. I really love that little jacket! I want one for me! :)

    Have a wonderful Blue Monday!


  6. Too cute! I can't crochet to save my life - how you made something so tiny and delicate is beyond me! Love it!

  7. That's a beautiful jacket for Barbie - wish I was that talented. I never had Barbies as a child, but I've collected quite a few in recent years. I know how sad it can be to lose your childhood dolls - my mom gave most of mine away!
    Happy Blue Monday!

  8. What a cute barbie blue jacket!

  9. This is a beautiful story
    I started collecting dolls in 2018 finally after years of wanting to have them
    So far I have 12 Barbie's and I love crocheting clothes for them
    Thanks for sharing your art

  10. I'm glad you like it, thankyou for your comment!
