
Monday, May 24, 2010

My Blue Skies

No matter how down I might be, a clear blue sky always cheers me up without fail.

It makes me count all the good things in life and brings a smile to my face!

It was such a stunningly blue day yesterday I just had to take some photographs.

I enjoy looking up at blue skies through the leaves of trees.  
The contrast of green against blue is eye-catching. 
I hope you like my blue sky photos 
<3 <3 <3


  1. Teena, Love your blue sky pics. The sky can be viewed in so many diferent ways, I have taken a lot of photo's in recent times especially sunsets and mysterious cloud formations. We love all the things you have made and displayed on fb. Now we are hoping that some day there will be a little person to model all of these lovely things you have made.!!!!I have started to make things again in my workshop, will send you some photo's.....Keep up the good work, Love Brian & Freya.

  2. Such a beautiful blue sky. Happy 1st Blue Monday.

  3. Your pictures are beautiful. Thank you for visiting us on our first Pink Saturday post, we appreciated it. Have a great week! Twyla

  4. Your blue sky pics have cheered me up, too. It has been raining here .They are very beautiful ! Thanks for following my blog , I am now your happy follower .

  5. I love the blue sky!
    It is the best blue ever!
    Great pictures!

  6. Cindy at Applestone CottageMay 25, 2010 at 7:58 PM

    Oh, how sweet of you!! I love blue skies, even hot and muggy blue skies like today!

  7. Great captures of the blue sky.

    Thank you for dropping by

  8. blue skies and sunny days....are always good!!!! thanks for stopping by and a special thank you for highlighting me...that was a nice surprise :):)
