
Thursday, June 10, 2010

A Family of Grey and Green Beanies

This is the post I planned for today's Transformation Thursday party hosted by The Shabby Chic Cottage, but who would have known that today we also have some special news to share? We have a 3rd member of our little family on the way or so the home test I did this morning says, so this family of three beanies seems especially appropriate!!!

Back to the beanies ... The first beanie I did followed part of a pattern in the Lincraft booklet I bought. I just made it longer, skipping the ears and edging, so it's a bit different. That's the hat with the grey pinwheel at the top. I don't really like how the pin-wheel doesn't match the rest of the hat, so the second hat I did was different. I based it on the first hat but this is my version.

Basically, you start with a round of 6 clusters of 3 trebles (American doubles) each separated by a chain, the second round has 12 clusters, 2 in each space, each pair is also separated by a chain. Except for rows 5 and 9, you just put a cluster of 3 trebles in each space. For rows 5 and 9, put an extra cluster in every 3rd space, divided by a chain. I know that's not the right way to write a crochet pattern, but I can hardly read them myself, so that's my understanding of the pattern! It's pretty basic and very quick to do.

For the first hat, I used a 5mm hook which made it fit me. For the second hat I used a 6mm hook so the hat is bigger and fits David. To consolidate the pattern in my mind, I made a 3rd beanie just with left over green and grey as I'd run out of black. The pattern and the wool are the same, the only thing that's changed is the hook. For the smallest hat I used a 4.5mm, and it's a good thing I didn't use the 4mm like I nearly did then it would have been too small! I rather like how the odd two green clusters look at the brim, it makes it look quirky!

This was a great exercise for me to do. I've now found a great, easy and quick beanie pattern that I can memorise and I can simply change the size of the beanie by using smaller or bigger hooks! These three beanies were very quick and took less than a day to whip up!

<3 <3 <3

My selected highlights from this week's party


  1. I admire people like you who can sew, crochet and knit. So much beauty!


  2. Teena, that is such special news...... all the best.
    The crochet beanies are great too.
    Hugs and Blessings
