
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Green and Orange Baby Beanie and Booties

We're still 4 weeks away from finding out the gender of our baby, so I'm really leaning towards baby things in neutral colours.  I just received a lovely random package from my sister-in-law which had some very, very cute baby jumpsuits, all in neutral colours like lemon and green, or silver stars, which is just gorgeous. I'm rather leaning towards these coloured clothes for baby anyway. I really don't agree that the very young should be shoved in a labelled box so early in their lives. Too many baby clothes are overly pink and flowery or blue and macho in my opinion, there is no way I will be wanting to dress a baby boy in army greens, or black with a skull and cross bones print! I'm almost tempted to dress a boy in pink flowers just to get a reaction out of my father, it could be very funny to watch him freak out!

I still have some baby wool left in this nice variated orange and green, so decided to do another pair of booties. I then made a beanie to match using the same pattern as my purple and white baby beanie.

The booties are very similar to my purple and white baby booties, which are based on a pattern you can watch on youtube by Theshyrainbow. I added my own cuffs which are not in the video.

When I am using just one colour, I don't like to cut the wool, fasten off, and start somewhere else, so I have altered the pattern slightly so I can keep it all in one piece. By changing rounds 6, 7, 8 and 9  so that the start of every round is at the toe instead of the heel, there is no need to fasten off in the middle of the bootie.

One colour, One piece variation
1-5. as per youtube video by Theshyrainbow.
6. ch 3, tr 1 in same, (tr decrease every 2) 3x, tr 32, (tr decrease every 2) 3x, tr 2, sl st
7. sl st 8, ch 1, turn, htr 16, turn
8. ch 2, sk 1, treble don’t pull through leave loop on hook * , sk 1, trebel *, sk 1, treble *, etc to end, you should have 9 loops on hook, pull through
9. dc in space just left of centre, dc 2 in next sp, decrease dc over 3 in corner, dc 22, decrease dc over 3 in corner, dc 2 in next sp, dc in space just right of centre
My cuff variation
10. ch 3, tr in dc left of centre, this will create a little gap at the front, cont. with the rest of the cuff, which basically 6 rounds of trebles, and a 7th row of htr or dc.
11. ch 3, 1st treble in next space, then trebles around ...

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