I used some green craft wool my mum gave me for my birthday, I've got quite a lot of that colour left. The darker green was a small amount I have in my scraps bag, as was the white. I'm not sure if that dark green is real wool so I'll have to wash this one carefully, which might turn out to be too inconvenient later on. But this jacket was a bit of a 'practice' item for me to try, recycling some old buttons that I think look really cute, so making this jacket turned out to very thrifty and frugal indeed!
I used the hexagon jacket idea which I've tried before. I've since found another blog that explains the hexagon jacket pattern in more detail, I did the bottom edging and collar following that blog's pattern. The 11 rounds of green used 60g from my 100g ball of craft wool.
Even if this jacket doesn't fit my baby, it will be cute for a toy teddy to wear!
<3 <3
It is a very cute jacket.