
Monday, November 15, 2010

Simple Spiral White Doily

I really like this simple swirling doily design, it's very easy to memorise so I can dot it front of the tv.
a simple white swirling doily after blocking
I've been working on this doily for quite a while, and simply stopped when I got to the end of the roll of fine cotton. I think this was one of the many rolls of fine cotton my mum has given me. I used my 1.75mm steel hook which was nice to work with and not too small for my eyes when I wear my glasses. I didn't follow a pattern, it's just the same as my blue baby rug, which I'm still working on. I guessed what that pattern was by looking at a picture on crochetspot, although mine is a bit different. It really isn't hard, you just increase a stitch once every gap of which there is about a dozen per round.
this doily used one ball of crochet cotton
When I finished this it was round and the edges were curled up, so it needed blocking. I simply wet it under warm running water and pat dry with a towel. Then I lay it on my piece of white cardboard that I use for blocking and pinned it out, stretching it into a star shape.
blocking a crochet doily
I think I'll just use this as a doily somewhere? Or maybe I'll add some beads to the edge and use it as a jug cover - I'm not sure yet!

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