I've made a bunch of beanies already, but they are all too small by now, because he is growing so fast! Thomas is now 5 months old! I can't wait until he is 6 months old, or sitting up on his own. Because he is 2 months premature, he is at the developmental stage of a 3 month old. I hope he is sitting up for my 40th birthday in July when he'll be 7 months old - we're hoping to go to Yum Cha and have him sitting in a high chair. People say babies grow up so fast, that we shouldn't wish the time away, but these last few months have been going so very slowly for me and I can't wait for him to be just a little bigger ...
[...] spinners site that sells drop spindles if I ever buy some raw local fibre.I’ve already made a beanie for Thomas using a sea green yarn from the same Wangaratta [...]