
Monday, January 30, 2012

After Hours - Who You Gonna Call?

I just used this after hours medical service for the first time, and I can not believe I didn't know about this sooner!

free magnet from my G.P.
We were given a magnet at our local G.P. when our son was sick on a Friday, it was for an after hours doctor who does house calls. I never knew such a service existed that we could access! It's amazing how much help you get when you have a child. Luckily we didn't need to use the service then because our son got better, but we just used it for the first time on the weekend. It was Saturday afternoon and I knew I would be in a lot of discomfort by that night and into Sunday if I didn't get a script for some antibiotics. I really didn't want a stranger to come to my house, but I started to feel desperate and decided to give this a try.

When we rang, we had to become members of the 'Family Care Friendly Society' so we would then be bulk billed. This membership was just under $45 for the year, and covers everyone who lives in our house for 12 months. Membership means that every doctor's visit for the next year will be bulk billed, which I think is a fabulous deal. I gratefully agreed to pay, as I was expecting the call out fee to be well over one hundred dollars just for the one visit! So these doctors are not in it for the money, and are working to keep people out of crowded and busy hospital emergency rooms. We were told the doctor would come within 3 hours, but they came after an hour and a half. When the doctor came, she was lovely of course and the job was done in a very timely manner.

What a great service. I just wish I knew about it earlier, and that I didn't have to suffer through many nights, weekends and days in discomfort waiting for an appointment to see a daytime G.P.

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