
Monday, January 9, 2012

Handmade 1st Birthday Card for Thomas

Thomas turned one nearly a month ago, but we've been so busy catching our breath after a very busy Christmas season, this is the first chance I've had to blog about it!

This was our first 'proper' Christmas with Thomas, as his first Christmas was spent in the hospital nursery, and I was still in hospital that day myself. That's why we decided we should make an extra effort this season, and visit everyone in the family, which we managed to do, except for seeing my sister and her family in Darwin. We hadn't gone anywhere all year, with Thomas being so small I didn't feel confident enough. So Christmas was a very busy season for us indeed this year, and we've decided we should spread things out a bit better next year so it's not so overwhelming!

One thing we can't change though is Thomas' birthday, which is on December 14th, right when things start to get busy. We had to have a party of course, in fact we celebrated all week with visits from family and friends spread out so our small home would not be too crowded in case it rained. Thankfully it didn't rain! My mum came to visit Thomas on the day though, and brought gifts and this very special handmade 1st birthday card.

I just adore my mum's handmade greeting cards, don't you? They are so special. I'm trying to convince her to try and sell some, I think they might be popular!

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