
Friday, February 17, 2012

Pale Green Toy Marble Bag

plain pale green toy marble bag
Here is another toy marble bag, this time in a pale green craft acrylic yarn. It's big enough to hold the lego toy I am giving as a gift to my 5 year old nephew on the weekend.

I find making up these bags pretty simple, especially if its plain and doesn't have any stripes or designs, like this one. I've done another toy marble bag with stripes that I gave as a birthday gift to a one year old boy. I like doing them because they don't take long to do, maybe an hour or two. I find short projects more satisfying because they are completed quickly, so you can get that finished buzz sooner and more often. But finding a spare hour or two to crochet is challenging when I have a  baby who insists on grabbing at my work if he can reach. I almost always have to wait until he is asleep or wait until daddy comes home and looks after him.

I hope my nephew finds the green toy bag useful for something, I think he just might!

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