
Saturday, February 25, 2012

A pretty pink card for a 1 year old girl

Here is a pretty pink cupcake card to celebrate our niece's first birthday! Inside my mother has personalised the card very nicely. I just love my mum's handmade greeting cards, don't you?
front of pink card for a 1 year old girl
My mother makes beautiful greeting cards, and I like to feature some of them on this blog. I was at her house last weekend, and she was showing me how she makes some of them. I'm now thinking maybe one day I will find time to try making my own! If you like my mother's greeting cards she can be contacted at Bead Supplies Australia (she also sells beads!).
inside pink card for a 1 year old girl
Lately I've been linking in with my favourite blog party Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound. There are countless blog parties around, but this one is my very favourite. Check it out! <3


  1. Wow! The work that went into that! It's such a thoughtful card that will be treasured for years to come- perhaps even a lifetime!

  2. Sweet card, Teena! Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! Have a happy Pink day!

  3. Darling card, love that it's personalized. Thanks for coming by today.

  4. What a pretty card and how nice to show your mom's work. Happy Pink Saturday. xo Nancy

  5. Your PINK is very pretty!
    thanks for sharing...and HAppy PINk SatURday!

    ciao bella.
    Creative Carmelina

  6. Happy Pink Saturday Sweetie...
    What a beautiful card you have created.
    Love that pink color and ofcourse can it
    be any more perfect. A card for 1? I love it.

    Your blog is so beautiful. I am your newest follower, and can't wait to see what you share next. Country hugs, Sherry

  7. Cute card!

    I'm following you...and to answer your question, yes I did crochet the pink doily. I learned to crochet from my mother and do it almost every day!

    Thanks for your compliment.
    Ciao Bella

    Creative Carmelina

  8. hello & HPS! thanks for stopping by and commenting :-) I love your mother's card, it is so very sweet and good for you for giving her a shout out

  9. Happy Pink Saturday!
    Love your card. Beautiful!
    Thanks for stopping by and enjoying my painting process.
    I'm your new follower!
