
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Tiny Blue Heart Garland

tiny heart garland design by Teena Sutton Murphy
After I made a pink heart garland the other night, I just had to make a matching blue one for my husband's bedside lampshade as well! These tiny garlands are just under 55cm long, and I used my 1.75mm hook and some 4ply cotton.

I made this one the same as the tiny pink heart garland I posted about yesterday. Again there are 6 hearts, with 20 ch in between each. One heart is at the end of the chain, at the other end is a loop to form a circle. Just slip the heart at the other end through the loop. These hearts follow my favourite little heart pattern from Suzie's Stuff. The most tedious part of making this garland is the fastening off of the tiny hearts, threading each end of yarn through a yarn needle and through the work to hide it.

I've designed these tiny and cute garlands to be lucky love charm decorations for the bedroom. They could hang off bed posts or windows. Ours hang around our lampshades. Awwww, that's lovey dovey! And just in time too, for Valentine's Day is in just a couple more days!

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