
Monday, March 5, 2012

Purple Butterfly Birthday Card

purple butterfly birthday card

Here is a pretty purple butterfly birthday card my mother made. I'm giving it with the purple flower baby headband I made last week, and a white and purple cardigan I made when I was pregnant, as a gift to a one year old girl for her birthday.

purple butterly envelope
Before I found out I was having a boy, I crochet baby clothes and blankets in white, purple and green. My intention was these items would be ok for either a girl or boy, but I secretly thought I might be having a girl. Mainly because I assumed the chances were I would, because everyone I knew had boys! Surely a girl was due? That's why I think that purple and white cardigan has flower buttons, I must have subconsciously chose them. I noticed them recently and realised I wouldn't put it on my son, so needed to give it away or it would never be worn!

The birthday card comes with a special envelop embellished with purple butterflies. I hope the birthday girl likes her purple package!

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