
Monday, March 19, 2012

Purple Flowers & Blue Butterflies

I've made up these little flower and butterfly embellishments to go on a larger project I've been planning for a while. I couldn't find any patterns for these that I liked, so I made up my own! I want to write down some notes here on how I made these so I remember what I did for next time.
purple flowers and blue butterflies
I used a magic circle to start the flowers. One flower started off with a pink 10 dc centre, but I prefer the other flower which has a pink 5 sc centre, then a 2nd round of 2 sc in every sc. Then using purple, a petal is (2 ch 3 dc 2 ch sl st into same) sl st into next, sl st into next, repeat petal, sl st, sl st to create 5 petals.

I was inspired to make these butterflies by some I saw on Pinterest, but I didn't follow anyone's pattern. For the butterfly, I started with a 4 ch loop, then 4 ch 4 trbl 4 ch sl st into loop to form one large upper wing. For a smaller lower wing, ch 2 3 dc ch 2sl st into loop. Repeat a small low wing and a large upper wing to complete the butterfly and fasten off. In a contrasting colour, tie some wool around the middle and knot it at the top to form the antennae.

I used a 4mm hook and some of the classic wool from the Bendigo Mill for these. I'm looking forward to seeing them on a two way tea cosy I'm going to call "Royal Garden"!

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