
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Brightly Coloured Easter Egg Cosies

Here are four brightly coloured Easter egg cosies for some chicken egg shells I blew and dyed a couple of weeks ago. I used a 1.5mm hook and some fine bright cotton my mother gave me. Making each cosy didn't take long, maybe about 40 minutes.
Four brightly coloured Easter egg cosies
Four bright egg cosies all in a row
One morning when David decided to make scrambled eggs for breakfast, I decided to hollow out the egg shells first. I remembered how to hollow out the egg shells from when I was a kid. You gently pierce a hole in one end of the egg, and then another hole in the other end. I used a long metal skewer with a very pointy end so I could gently grind it through the shell. Most of the holes are tiny, but some cracked a little so are a bit larger. I covered those with crochet. When you have two holes in the egg, you gently blow on one hole so the egg will squeeze out through the other hole. This is perfectly fine if you are making scrambled eggs, you don't want to waste them!
dying hollow egg shells with food dye
I didn't research the best way to dye the eggs, which is probably why the colour isn't very strong. Although I don't mind the pale shades. I just soaked the egg shells all day in containers of water coloured with food dye.
dyed hollow egg shells
I then practised making crochet cosies for some plastic eggs I bought, before making these brightly coloured ones. I'm keeping these eggs until next Easter, when I will see how they last. Maybe the shells will have to be removed? I don't know, but we will have to wait and see ...

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