
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Why I Need a Pretty Purse

For years I had an alarming amount of black accessories. All my shoes were black, I still have way too many black shoes. My handbags were black, my wallets used to always be black. Whenever I needed a new wallet, I would always choose a black one. I used to be far too concerned with making my accessories 'go together'. Heaven forbid if anything should clash!
no more black wallets for me!
Then a light went off in my head about 5 years ago. Why the hell does my wallet have to match? It's always tucked away inside my handbag, it doesn't even matter what colour it is! Why be so depressingly dark unnecessarily? This occurred when I was looking at a lovely green snake print wallet, and for some reason it really caught my eye. I reassured myself it was quite alright to have a wallet that was pretty just for the sake of being pretty, so I bought it! That was the first pretty wallet I ever remember owning.

A little while ago the latch on my favourite green wallet started to give way, and it was time to get a new one. My husband asked me what I would like for Valentine's Day, and well, I did need a new wallet. So he chose this pretty pink wallet, and I love it! I think it's especially nice because he chose it for me, I only asked if it could be 'pretty and not black'. It's a bright pink, with a very pretty print.

No more black wallets for me!

Today I'm linking in with my favourite blog party Pink Saturday hosted by How Sweet the Sound. I didn't manage to follow last week as I was in Stanthorpe for an Easter holiday. Be sure to check out all the cute pink things at this blog party!

No crochet from me today, but there are some very cool African Flowers under construction at Howling at the Moon today, check it out to see them and her recently completed cushion cover made from granny squares.

Also, there's an awesome vintage Ginny doll collection at Daydream World, including a very pretty crochet doll's dress.

1 comment:

  1. Mmm I understand that desire for coordinated accessories, I had it drummed into me that you should always wear the same colour shoes, handbags and gloves...but that has long gone by the board.

    It's a lovely purse and if your handbag is anything like mine, the colour will make it easy to find. LOL! Mine is currently RED.
