My mum has a compulsion to give a home to homeless things she finds, like stray pets and precious things at garage sales. She came across these 13 apricot coloured granny squares and just had to save them
a lap-rug made of salvaged granny squares |
I was helping my mum sort out some yarn a couple of weeks ago, and we came across these squares. She thought to save these granny squares from being thrown away by someone who didn't recognise their value. My mum thought she could join them up for a rug and I said it would be quick! It was quick, but not as quick as I would have liked! We decided some turquoise coloured acrylic from South Africa matched the white flowers in the apricot squares nicely enough.
I started joining the squares with a chain lattice. I've never done this before and never read a pattern on how to do it, but I have seen
a photo of joining lattice on pinterest, so gave it a go. The joining lace is simply (5 ch sk 2 sl st) repeated. When a square comes to sit alongside another that has its lattice, the pattern becomes (2 ch, sc into 5 ch sp on other square, 2 ch, sk 2, sl st). The edge starts with into sl st (dc 1 ch dc) sc into ch sp, repeated, then the 2nd round is (2 dc 1 ch 1 dc) into ch sp, repeated.
a pocket made with the 13th square |
I hope this can be put to use somewhere. Maybe it can be donated to charity to cheer up someone's lap. I even put the 13th square on top, into a handy pocket! You never know, maybe someone will like it ...
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