
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Birthday Card for a 2 year old boy

This is the gorgeous card my mother made for my son's 2nd birthday last month. All the cards she makes are beautiful, and this one is no exception.
a delightful birthday card handmade for a 2 year old boy
We celebrated Thomas's birthday twice this year, because it was on a Friday and family couldn't travel here on a week day. So we had a morning tea on the Friday for local friends and family. Then on Sunday we put on a BBQ lunch for family who had to drive a couple of hours to get here. David's father Brian was going to come, but he and his wife Freya couldn't because he was in hospital with a sore leg. But he is all better now, thank goodness.
inside the handmade birthday card
This year we did a cupcake birthday cake again. I find it so much easier to ice than a cake, and easier to store and serve. This time I tried some different designs, the yellow icing didn't work out but I disguised it well enough with h100s and 1000s! I must remember to make these a couple of times a year so I don't fall out of practice. You never know, maybe one day I'll get quite good at it!
one batch of 2012's attempt at birthday cupcakes

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