
Saturday, February 16, 2013

A Successful Sale!

I've very happy to report that my "Love Grows" mini-garland sold within 30 minutes of the charity event starting! I've since deposited the money into the fund-raising account, and I feel very privileged to be able to participate and contribute in this way.
my new packaging, which reflects my pink and natural theme
I'm now wondering if I should make more of these garlands to put in my online shop? I have so much work to do, and with moving house next month, precious little time to do it in! While Thomas slept yesterday I managed to find some time to update my banners, do you like the new look?

I did some research on how to have a cohesive shop and am thinking I really want to continue with the pink theme with natural tones like brown paper, cane and wood. That's just what I have here in my home that I think makes the items look nice, anyway. It really is hard to try and turn this hobby into work. I don't earn anywhere near enough to call this a job, and now we are getting a mortgage its even more important. So far, I've earned about half of what I spent on yarn! I really must remember not to buy any more!!!(lol)

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