
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

From Madeit with Love - Love Grows Garland

I just listed this "Love Grows" mini-garland in my madeit store for a charity fundraiser. I had originally planned to have it in my shop in time for Valentine's, but the fundraiser was all the prompting I needed to get it finished.
fresh from my crafting basket is this "Love Grows" mini-garland which I made for a charity fundraiser
I started by making the hearts using my favourite heart pattern from Suzie's Stuff. Next I did the leaves from Easy Makes Me Happy. The most tedious task was sewing in all the ends of 9 leaves and 8 hearts. Then I finally joined them together with green chain to make a vine of growing love!
you can drape garlands on your favourite things for decoration, like on this piano
There are 15 chains between each motif, and the loops at each end are 20 chains. I went back along the chain with sl st to reinforce it. The loops at each end allow the mini-garland to be tied up to display.
1.45m long garland with loops at each end so it can be hung up to display
The fundraiser is for a charity raising money to help a family who recently lost their mum in a tragic car accident. Tammy Boorer lived in Toowoomba which isn't far from me, and she was a fellow crafter on madeit, so this story made it especially sad for me so I decided to participate in the fundraiser.

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