
Monday, May 27, 2013

Making a Raised Bed Veggie Patch

My father-in-law Brian bought us this 1m x 1m raised bed to replace Tom's Garden, a wooden box he made which fell apart after about a year.
we're starting with a 1m x 1m raised bed for our veggie patch
We half filled the bottom with home-mulched calistimon, and threw 4 handfuls of dynamic lifter in there with it. Then we covered the mulch with newpaper and wet it down. On top of that we put some top soil from our side garden and some kitchen scraps to start composting. We mixed in the food scraps and left it for a couple of weeks.

Lastly we went and bought a big 65 L bag of premium potting mix and 2 x 25 L bags of ready made compost, and put that on top which filled the raised bed, with a few more handfuls of dynamic lifter. On the weekend, Brian paid a visit and brought some seedlings with him so we planted them out. We have lettuce, spinach and beetroot in there now, and I'm hoping to get some fresh strawberry plants to go in the corners. Lets see how it goes!

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