
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Gluten Free Mini Quiches

We're planning a gluten free party for Tom's 3rd birthday which is in December, it'll just be a small gathering for a family get together. My brother is a diabetic coeliac so whenever he visits we try and provide as much gluten free food as we can. The extra difficulty this year is now we're in the new place there's not enough seating for everyone to sit around a table, so knives and forks are out. So not only are we looking for gluten free diabetic friendly recipes, but also ones that make good finger food for when you aren't sitting at a table.
these gluten free mini quiches are super easy
Although the get together is still 7 weeks away, we've started planning the menu in earnest to try and reduce the stress on the day. We just did a practice run of these gluten free mini quiches which were very easy and super yummy. I think these will be making it onto the menu! I found the recipe for crustless ham and cheese quiche at Kara cooks. For this to be gluten free you need to be sure you choose a gluten free ham or bacon, as sometimes processed meats can contain gluten.


  1. Wondering if you saved this recipe? It's no longer on Kara Cooks😢

  2. hmm no sorry, its just ham, onion then you pour the eggs over it, goodluck!
