
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Our New Herb Garden

As promised, here are some photos of our new herb garden which we planted in the space vacated by the old tree stump we removed. We started by adding about 4 or 5 handfuls of dynamic lifter and watered it in the day before we were to be planting out. The next day we lay out some absorbent coconut fibre soil called easy wetta garden soil. Then we lay down 3 x 65 litre bags of potting mix on top ready to receive the herb seedlings.
oregano is one the herbs we planted in our new herb garden
a layer of coconut fibre underneath premium potting mix
laying down a thick layer of mulch to protect the seedlings from heat and help with moisture retention
We planted out a chilli bush in the centre, and some parsley and chives in the side that gets half a day of shade. Then we put the oregano and sage in the side that gets full sun. I lay down a thick layer of mulch as its a very hot sight, and what with the hot weather lately the young plants will need protection from the heat. I planted out some aloe vera in the corner underneath the patio because it won't get rain there and the aloe vera can tolerate being a little dry. There's space left for some basil cuttings to go in, they are still on my kitchen window sill sprouting new roots.
a chilli bush in the centre of the herb garden
Hopefully these herbs will like this spot we've chosen for them, which is nice and handy to the kitchen. We'll have to keep the water up to them daily, lets see how they go!

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