
Monday, August 4, 2014

Ham and Risoni Salad for one

I had a go at making some yummy lunch for myself on a day when Thomas was at day care. I really have to think hard for things to do when he isn't here otherwise the day goes so very slowly and its quite depressing! Making a yummy lunch gave me something to look forward to and broke up the day. There is only so much cleaning and baking one can do! I had almost all of the ingredients for this ham and risoni salad recipe that I found on, but I didn't have the corn, so I substituted them for sundried tomatoes.

I didn't have corn so I used sundried tomatoes instead for this yummy ham and risoni salad
I am thinking of joining a gym to get me out of the house more. I think it will do wonders for desensitising my anxiety for going out, especially when on my own. So I am hopping on our exercise bike more often, because I'm hoping I will get a little bit more fit before joining the gym! I don't want to waste money on gym membership if I'm not fit enough to do the classes I want to do! Well those are my hopes anyway. It certainly is quite hard to chip away at anxiety, but I will get there!

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