
Friday, June 19, 2015

Star Granny Square, free pattern

I've made my star coaster into a square, maybe if I was inclined I could make a bunch of these and join them up into a blanket. Using the cotton I bought from Bendigo Woollen Mills, it would make a beautiful rainbow rug. But something like that would be very time consuming and fiddly to do, we shall see! Here is my pattern for the star granny square.

Here are six rounds of the star granny square

Star Granny Square by T. S. Murphy
4mm hook, 8ply yarn

For star ...
1. 3 ch, 9 dc into 1st ch, sl st into 3rd ch
2. [(2 hdc 2 ch 2 hdc) into next st, sl st into next st] repeat to end, fasten off

For circle ...
3. attach yarn at star point ch sp, [sc at star point ch sp, (2 dc 2 hdc 2 dc) into sl st of prev round] repeat to end, sl st into 1st sc
4. sl st into next dc st, (3 ch (counts as 1st dc), dc into same, dc into next 2 st, 2 dc into next st, dc into next 2 st, sk sc) repeat to end, sl st into 3rd ch, fasten off

For square ...
5. attach yarn at any st, [4 sc, 2 hdc, (3 dc) into next st, 3 ch, (3 dc) into next st, 2 hdc] repeat to end, sl st into 1st sc
6. (change colour if desired) 3 ch (counts as 1st dc), dc into next st to ch sp, (3 dc 3 ch 3 dc into ch sp) repeat to end, sl st into 3rd ch

this is the 5th round of the star granny square


  1. Thank you very much. I was looking for "boy" motifs for a blanket for my grandson, and this will be perfect!

  2. I'm glad you like it! Thanks for leaving a comment, I hope your blanket turns out well <3

  3. Hi Teena, I really enjoyed your pattern, like Meegan I was looking for something for a blanket for a boy and its come up really well. I am currently starting my own small business selling knitted and crochet items and wondered if I could use your pattern as part of an item I'm selling. I would put a note on the page saying the pattern came from you and I could add a link to this page if you'd like. I totally understand if you don't feel comfortable with that and I'll use something different. Best Wishes, Josie

    1. Yes, that's fine, especially if you link to the pattern. And I would love to see a photo of the finished blanket! Are you on Ravelry? I am Rosycolour. :)

  4. Hi, Teena.
    I'm so glad to find your blog - I've collected several of your patterns in the past few years. One of my favorites is the Frangipani Flower, which makes me smile every time I see it. Thank you for your lovely work. I am excited to find your Star Granny square. I, too, am planning to make a baby blanket for a boy - no one in particular, but since I have several for girls on hand, i thought it would be fun to make a boy's blanket with each square a different design. Please keep up the good work.

  5. On your Blue beanie, i'm enough of a novice to wish for a little more instruction. Did you begin at the crown or the brim, and how many stiches around? US Terms, please. Thanks.

  6. On your Blue beanie, i'm enough of a novice to wish for a little more instruction. Did you begin at the crown or the brim, and how many stiches around? US Terms, please. Thanks.
