
Monday, July 13, 2015

Potted Dwarf Imperial Mandarin

For my birthday we bought a dwarf imperial mandarin, and potted it into a large pot with 2 x 25L bags of citrus potting mix. We will keep it in a pot for a couple of years, until we make some room in the yard to plant it out. We are waiting to do the retaining wall and fence first, and to also remove a large lily pily tree. The potted lime tree is doing well, despite having to remove branches due to gore wasp, so the mandarin should also do well if we treat it the same. For my birthday I also bought some African daisies, and thought I'd share a photo. Enjoy!
we potted up this dwarf imperial mandarin for my birthday
the potted lime tree is doing well in its new pot
we also got some African daisies from our local Bunnings store

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